5 Ways to Get a Grip on Mobile Devices in Your Office

Did you know that a whopping two-thirds of U.S. adults own a smartphone? This figure is still climbing and the presence of employee-owned smartphones has dramatically changed the face of office. Businesses that aren’t prepared for this major influx of devices are setting themselves up for some major problems. Employees bringing their devices to work…


Here’s the Best Way to Safeguard Your Computers From Power Outages

When it comes to purchasing the best technology to protect your business, you should consider an Uninterruptible Power Supply (UPS) device. The reasoning is simple; they help your organization avoid data loss, and aid in business continuity. Here’s what you need to know about UPS devices. What is an Uninterruptible Power Supply?A UPS device is…


Windows 10 On Pace to Be the Most Popular OS By 2017

With Windows 10 making leaps and bounds in the business environment, Microsoft has created another commercial success for both consumer use and workplace productivity. In recent weeks, Windows 10’s adoption has slowed significantly, but in a few years it’s expected to surpass other Windows operating systems in terms of usability. Gartner has made a prediction…


Google Fiber and the Race to Provide Consumers With the Fastest Internet Possible

Your business relies on a steady Internet connection to maintain operations. The inner workings of your cabling infrastructure are what ensure that you constantly have access to both online and offline networks for your organization. Most businesses utilize the services of major cable companies like Time Warner Cable and Comcast to facilitate this need, but…


Technology Has the Power to Bring the Office Together Like Never Before

The technological landscape of the office has changed significantly over the years. Only a decade ago collaboration could only be accomplished through sitting down in a conference room and discussing issues face to face. Today, however, technology is changing the way that we as a society view collaboration, and thanks to various achievements in software…