Tip of the Week: Achieve Maximum Productivity for Your Team with These 5 Technologies
You pay your employees to come to the office and perform their daily duties, but how much of that time is actually being spent working? Every wasted minute cuts into your daily profits, which can waste countless minutes. If you want to get the most out of your team, there are several technology strategies that the modern business can take advantage of to maximize productivity.
Surveillance Cameras
Depending on your productivity problem, there are varied levels of solutions which you might integrate. When the boss rarely makes rounds around the office, your team might be encouraged to “loaf around,” which is the act of wasting time. If you can’t leave the room for even a minute without your team goofing off, surveillance cameras might be the best way to set them straight.
This might be a worst-case scenario, but believe it or not, some offices need to take advantage of these kinds of solutions to maintain order. Surveillance systems are now much more cost-effective than in the past, so integrating one into your IT strategy is more affordable than it sounds. With a camera installed in the office, employees will understand that any loafing that’s performed in the office will be recorded, and incriminating evidence can and will be used against them when it comes time for a review. Some cameras can even allow you to watch a live feed of your office on your mobile device, which is ideal for the traveling business owner.
Automatic Door Locks
One of the more common ways that employees tend to waste time is through their breaks. When it comes to extra time spent on breaks, every wasted minute can really add up. If every employee slacks off a few minutes here and there, it can add up quickly and cut into your company’s bottom line. Automatic locks on your organization’s doors can encourage your team to stop wasting time and get back to work.
After all, you aren’t paying them to be late and irresponsible. With automatic locks, you can set them to lock the door right at 8:00 a.m., or whenever your office opens. If they don’t make it to work on time, they’ll be forced to either endure the embarrassment of needing someone to let them in, or lose a day’s pay. They’ll quickly get the point. This might seem like an extreme measure, but it’s one that might be necessary. Just like surveillance cameras, these locks can be controlled remotely from your mobile devices if need be.
Content Filtering
Your employees sit in front of a workstation all day in order to work, not browse the Internet searching for memes or wasting time on social media. Unfortunately, even the best employees can be susceptible to the allure of sites like Facebook, YouTube, BuzzFeed, and so on. Content filtering can be used to keep your team off of these websites, which can keep them on task. In fact, companies that have integrated a content filtering solution have seen productivity increase as much as 23 percent.
Unified Threat Management
Content filtering is one of the many functions of Resolve I.T.’s Unified Threat Management (UTM) solution. In addition to content filtering, the UTM provides users with an enterprise-level firewall, antivirus, and spam-blocking solutions. You can view how your team is taking advantage of your business’s network, including if they are streaming movies or playing games. By blocking these countless distractions, your team will have no choice but to focus on the task at hand.
Functioning Workstations
This isn’t something you might immediately think of when it comes to workplace productivity. Sometimes the reason that your team might not get as much done as possible is because their technology isn’t working properly. A workstation that is bogged down and in need of maintenance can be a significantly difficult hurdle to jump for the average employee.
You don’t even want to think about the costs associated with hardware failure. It’s more efficient to simply make sure that all of your business’s technology operates in its intended fashion. Resolve I.T. can monitor and maintain your systems to make sure that all of the latest patches and updates are applied, which can increase both productivity and security.
With these five technologies, you’ll be able to help your team understand the value of productivity. For more information, give Resolve I.T. a call at (978) 993-8038.