How to Squeeze in Some Exercise Without Leaving Your Desk
As comfy as it can be at times, sitting for all hours of the day isn’t something we’re built for. As a result, not only does sitting all day impact our overall health, it can functionally hurt our productivity as well. Fortunately, there are some simple exercises and activities that can be done at the workstation to help mitigate these negative outcomes. Let’s review some of these activities, and a few exercises that will fit in nicely.Keep Your Core StrongCore strength—the strength you have around your abdomen, back, and pelvis—is foundational to your long-term and short-term comfort while working a desk job, as it helps you maintain a healthy posture. Fortunately, there are a few exercises that can easily be done at your desk, as they are relatively easy to do and likely won’t cause much disturbance in the office.Seated Leg LiftsSeated TwistsPelvic TiltsAb SqueezesStretching is Your FriendWhen not used for extended periods of time—for instance, when someone is seated for hours on end—certain muscle groups can grow tight and uncomfortable. On top of this, the fine motor functions that typing and other desk work require can also contribute to fatigue and stiffness over time. Proactively stretching before and throughout an extended period of work can minimize these impacts.Neck RollsWrist RotationsShoulder StretchesEngage in Seated CardioIn fairness, these exercises may get you some funny looks in the office, but the benefits might just be worth it. Increasing your heart rate—the purpose of cardio exercise—helps boost your energy and gets fresh oxygen to your brain. While a quick jog likely isn’t in the cards, there are alternatives that can provide the desired boost.Seated Jumping JacksDesk Push-UpsMarching in PlaceMake Sure You Keep Your Legs StrongFinally, we need to address the legs. Unsurprisingly, remaining seated for hours at a time isn’t going to do much for their strength without some intervention. That said, you and your team can intervene with some basic exercises that can improve strength and circulation alike—some without even requiring your team to stop what they’re doing.Ankle CirclesSeated Leg ExtensionsCalf RaisesA Healthy and Comfortable Workplace is a Productive WorkplacePrioritizing the health and wellness of your employees can easily pay off, especially when you pair it with the proactive nature of our managed services. Not only will your team have the ability to be more productive, more of the time, they’ll have the tools and support they’ll need to do so. Give us a call at 978-993-8038 to learn more.