Microsoft Ends Support For Internet Explorer 8, 9, and 10, What’s This Mean For Your Business?

Bad news for users still running outdated versions of Internet Explorer – Microsoft has ended support for its legacy web browser. What this means is that Internet Explorer 8, 9, and 10, will no longer be issued critical patches and security updates, making its continued use a security risk. As of January 12th, 2016, Internet…


How Shadow IT Puts Your Entire Business In Jeopardy

The average small and medium-sized business has trouble with the implementation of comprehensive IT solutions, mainly due to these organizations having fewer resources to allocate towards these solutions. This often leads to end-users implementing their own solutions, which can be dangerous under the wrong circumstances. By allowing this “shadow IT” to run rampant in your…


Can a Virtual Infrastructure Be Enough to Guarantee Data Security?

Every business needs technology in order to function. Yet, if a company’s IT network is overly complicated, then technology will hinder operations, not help it. Enter virtualization, offering business owners a way to simplify their IT infrastructure, as well as make it more secure. Even though virtualization has been utilized by enterprises for many years,…


Pay a Hacker Ransom Money and Risk Getting Bamboozled Twice

Requesting a ransom from victims is an unfortunate trend gaining momentum in the hacking world. This is typically done using ransomware (where hackers encrypt data and request money for the key) and distributed denial of service attacks (where hackers threaten to overwhelm a system with traffic, thus knocking it offline). In both scenarios, hackers are…