Are Your Remote Workers Dealing with Communication Fatigue?
For many, working from home has been an adventure. A lot of workers were moved off site during the pandemic and now, a year later, are just now settling into working from home and the new expectations that this brings. People just had no idea how their job would change over the time they are away from their office. Today, we take a look at communications fatigue and what your business can do to help your remote workers from feeling overwhelmed.
What Exactly is Communications Fatigue?
You know the dozens of emails, instant messages, and video conferences that you have to manage in the normal course of doing business? What if a situation came up that made those multiply by two, or by three? People that are working from home due to the COVID-19 pandemic have seen this very thing happen over the past 13 months and some people are just so fed up with it that it makes showing up for work (even if it is in their pajamas) a grind.
Today, dealing with messages seems to be half of a person’s job. This is not a great situation for an employee’s productivity, or their clarity of mind. In fact, if you were to ask your average remote employee, especially those who basically never worked remotely before the pandemic hit, how much of the communications they get each day actually pertain to their role in the company, you would be shocked to discover that it is a very low percentage.